Collection: Fountain Pen Ink & Refills

Best to be Sure
Most fountain pens utilize ink cartridges. If your pen is a piston fill model, it will refill only with bottled ink. If you would like to use bottled ink, but have only used ink cartridges in the past, then look at the Converters to locate a fit for your brand of pen. Make your choice carefully or if you'd like a 'hand', give us a call at 720.259.1601.
If you are shopping for ink cartridges and do not have a used cartridge for reference, look for your brand of pen in the list of cartridges. If you cannot locate your brand, many fountain pens have been designed to fit the international-sized ink cartridges. They are one and one-half inches long and fit in most barrels. They also have a uniform "neck" which fits in many fountain pens. We carry numerous brands, all of which contain the water-based liquid ink commonly used in fountain pens. Colors abound in either the Colorado Pen or Private Reserve brands.
Fountain Pen Ink Cartridges
Best Not to Guess. Read On Here you will see every fountain...
Ink Bottles
The Versatile Ink Bottle If your fountain pen is 'piston fill' or...
Fountain Pen Bottled Ink Converters
A Change May Work for You If you use cartridges, but colors...